Move More at Work and our online DSE course have both received formal accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF).

At Echo3 we are all too aware that much of the existing HSE eLearning available is uninspiring and uninteresting. It is our goal to combat this by designing and building engaging online learning which draws on the skills of local talent.
The short 30-minute CIEHF-accredited Move More at Work course was created in partnership between Echo3 and DSE Scotland, specialists in display screen equipment assessments and accredited DSE assessor training.
With specially-commissioned visuals by Glasgow-based graphic designers Blue Monkey, Move More at Work is a visually engaging way for employees to develop their understanding of the serious health risks associated with inactivity. With a particular focus on the negative impact of prolonged sitting, the course offers a range of simple ways to introduce more activity and movement in the workplace.
In addition to CIEHF accreditation, Move More at Work also holds CPD accreditation and offers 1 CPD point.
CIEHF, the sole UK-based accreditation body for professional standards in ergonomics and human factors, congratulated the partnership on designing an accessible and vocational course on a increasingly important topic, stating that it as “an excellent and comprehensive eLearning course developed by an experienced team. The material is visually engaging with practical ideas/examples given for the workplace which are importantly guided by relevant Regulations.”
Echo3 are delighted that the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors has awarded our courses Move More at Work and DSE Awareness accredited status.