Infection Control Course

Infection Control Course

Online Infection Control course suitable for anyone working where bacteria or virus infections could occur.  Based on lessons from COVID 19 the training provides the knowledge needed to reduce the chance of infection.

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Following the latest government guidance this online COVID Infection Control Course provides an understand how to help reduce the spread of infections at work.

While this course provides general information about coronavirus COVID-19 and infection control, it should not be regarded as medical advice.

If you have any concerns about coronavirus prevention, symptoms, or treatment, please follow current World Health Organization, Government or NHS guidance. This training includes an overview of UK Government guidance on working safely from January 2021.

COVID-19 is a new disease which we are still learning about, and so the information in this course is subject to change as guidance is updated.

Because of its global spread, public health information and guidance may differ from country to country.

We all have a role in helping to reduce infections.  As an employer if your staff cannot work from home this 40 minute course serves as a way to help staff understand how to reduce the risk of coronavirus infections in your workplace.

At the end of the Coronavirus Infection Control course there is a 15-question, multiple-choice assessment.  Participants must achieve a minimum pass mark to evidence understanding and receive their completion certificate.

Current NHS guidance can be found here.

Up to date infection tacker.

If you work in healthcare or anywhere that blood could be spilt a Bloodborne Pathogen Infection course is available here.


There are many helpful sources of information to help reduce the chance of infection. This online course is designed as a solution for employers to ensure your staff have been given and understand how to reduce the chance of infection in your workplace.


On completion of this COVID Infection Control course you will know;

  • The origin of COVID-19
  • Common symptoms associated with COVID-19
  • The public health response, including NHS guidance, in the UK
  • Ways to control Infections in the workplace
  • personal protective measures


  • introduction what is a coronavirus?
  • novel coronavirus COVID-19
  • symptoms
  • incubation period
  • methods of transmission
  • reproductive number
  • diagnosis
  • treatment
  • if you have symptoms
  • public health response
  • exiting lockdowns
  • protecting yourself
  • working from home
  • workplace hygiene
  • workplace policy & planning



At the end of the online Infection Control course there is a 10 question, multiple-choice quiz.  If learners demonstrate their understanding of course content by achieving a minimum score of 80%, we’ll email them their completion certificate.  If learners score less than 80%, they can revisit any part of the course and retake the quiz until they are successful.

The Infection Control certificate is valid for 1 year



All employees who are unable to work completely from home


There are different types of coronavirus, affecting both people and animals. When humans become infected they can experience a range of illnesses, from mild colds to more serious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Disorder (SARS) or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

Some coronaviruses affect only animals initially, before being transmitted to – and spreading among – people. Research has shown that the SARS coronavirus was transferred to humans from civet cats in China in 2002, while MERS originated in camels before spreading to people in Saudi Arabia in 2012.


When a new strain of coronavirus infects humans for the first time, it is referred to as a novel coronavirus.

In December 2019, an outbreak of novel coronavirus similar to SARS was reported in Wuhan, China. This new strain of novel coronavirus has been named COVID-19.

The precise animal source of COVID-19 has not yet been identified but is suspected to have occurred at a live animal market. There is no evidence to suggest that domestic pets like dogs and cats have been infected by or are spreading COVID-19.


COVID-19 has been shown to be less deadly but more contagious than SARS. Most people – around 80% – who contract it experience only mild illness similar to a common cold or flu. The most common symptoms are a high temperature, tiredness, and a dry cough. Other possible symptoms include a runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, aches and pains, diarrhorrea and loss of sense of smell or taste.

It’s possible to be infected with COVID-19 but not be unwell, or show any symptoms at all. Around one in six people become seriously ill and develop breathing difficulties.

Older people, and those with underlying health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, are more likely to become very unwell. Other possible risk factors under investigation include gender, obesity, ethnicity and living in a region with poor air quality.

Sadly, even with hospitalisation and intensive medical treatment some patients cannot be saved. Across the world, hundreds of thousands of people have already died because of COVID-19.

Current NHS guidance can be found here

Some steps to consider in work to help reduce infections can be found here


If you or someone you live with has symptoms of COVID-19 including a high temperature or new continuous cough, to protect other people you should not leave home or go to your GP surgery, pharmacy, or hospital.

In the UK, you should use the NHS’ online symptoms checker tool to find out what to do.

This includes advice on:

• you and others you live with self-isolating – this means not going out at all, even to buy food, collect medicine or to exercise

• when to contact the NHS telephone helpline if your symptoms worsen or don’t improve

• steps to take to reduce any infection spreading among people you live with measures to take to protect anyone you live with who is vulnerable

For any medical emergency you should always call 999 or 112.


During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization recommended wearing a protective face mask was only necessary if you were caring for someone with the virus, or working in a healthcare setting.

This advice has changed as our understanding of the virus has grown. In many countries, wearing a mask in public spaces is now compulsory – with some limited exceptions – as an extra safeguard.

The World Health Organization now advise: medical face masks are worn by:

• health workers, anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, and their carers

• anyone over the age of 60, and/or with underlying health conditions. This applies to areas of widespread transmission and where a distance of at least 1 metre from others can’t be guaranteed.


fabric face masks are used by the general public in situations where physical distancing is difficult or impossible, and where widespread transmission is occurring. This applies to adults and children over the age of 12, and can include shops, public transport or common areas of schools or workplaces. 

When they are worn, face masks are only effective if good hand hygiene and other preventative measures are also followed.

To wear and discard a mask properly:

first, clean your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based rub

cover your mouth and nose with the mask and make sure there are no gaps

do not touch the mask while using it – if you do, clean your hands.

replace the mask with a new one as soon as it is damp

do not re-use single-use masks.

to take off a mask, avoid touching the front and remove it from behind. Immediately put it into a closed bin and clean hands your hands. 




If you have any questions please email [email protected] or call us on 0131 6618253

echo3 accredited