Warehouse operations present extra hazards to staff when compared to most other workplaces. For example, workers are at greater risk of injury from; slips & trips, manual handling, falling objects, hazardous substances and vehicle collisions.
The Health & Safety Act 1974 requires that all warehouse staff receive appropriate safety training, so they are aware of dangers and how to avoid them.
This online Warehouse Safety course provides the knowledge needed to work safety in warehouses and helps employers meet training requirements.
UNIT 1 – INTRODUCTION – Firstly, we highlight the course learning objectives, highlighting the importance of taking seriously the topic of warehouse safety.
UNIT 2 – LEGISLATION – While working in warehouses, employers and employees both have duties with respect to health & safety. These duties are outlined in this second section.
UNIT 3 – COMMON CAUSES OF INJURY – Thirdly, we briefly outline the main causes of warehouse injuries. Providing an awareness for staff of where particular vigilance is required.
UNIT 4 – REDUCING RISK – Finally, we detail best-practice process and behaviour that help keep yourself and colleagues safe.
This online Echo3 Warehouse Safety course is CPD-Accredited.
The Echo3 Warehouse Safety Certificate is emailed when the learner achieves 80% or more in the final 10 question multiple-choice quiz. The Warehouse Safety Certificate is valid for 3 years. A posted copy is available for an additional fee.
The course objectives include;
Promote a culture of safety and reduce the risk of workplace accidents within warehouse environments.
Educate participants on essential safety principles, including hazard recognition, risk assessment, and emergency response.
Enhance compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards, equipping employers with an effective training and reporting tool.
The Echo3 Warehouse Safety training has been designed for;
All Warehouse Operatives – benefit from understanding common warehouse hazards and how to stay safe.
Supervisors and Managers – benefit by understanding best-practice safety-protocols to keep in place.
New & Experienced Staff – The Warehouse Safety course is recommended to new staff as part of their induction. And also to staff who haven’t received warehouse safety training for 3 years or more.
The Echo3 Online Warehouse Safety course imparts crucial knowledge to enhance workplace safety. Participants can expect to grasp fundamental principles of warehouse safety, including hazard identification and risk assessments.
Learners will gain insights into proper storage and material handling techniques. Additionally, the course covers the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Upon completion, participants will be equipped to recognise and mitigate potential risks, creating a safer warehouse environment for themselves and colleagues.
From recent UK government published RIDDOR statistics we know 3.1% of warehouse workers suffer from work-related ill health while the fatality rate in the Transport and Storage sector was around twice that of all industries combined.
Vehicle collisions caused 37% of the Transport and Storage sector fatalities.
Of the work-related ill health, Manual Handling and Slips, Trips & Falls were the two biggest contributors, together causing 54% of the total.
2023 UK RIDDOR statistics for the Transport and Storage industry.
Because of the greater risks present in warehouses it is reasonable that there is a greater level of safety training.
Your risk assessments will determine the appropriate training based on specific hazards.
Unsafe behaviours increase the risk of warehouse accidents. Common unsafe behaviours include:
- Improper use of forklifts
- Improper stacking
- Horseplay
- Inadequate fire safety provisions
- Improper Personal Protective Equipment
- Repetitive and/or heavy lifting
Pallet Stacking Hazard
Forklift Incident
The UK Health & Safety executive has created a guide to safety in warehouses which you may find helpful. You may also wish to consider:
RIDDOR statistics show Slips & Trips are the most common cause of ‘serious injury’ in warehouses. While Manual Handling accounts for 45% of ‘over 3 days injuries.
With regards to Slips & Trips;
- Firstly, ensure flooring doesn’t become contaminated. E.g. ensure sensible packing of materials.
- Secondly, when contamination does happen, deal with it immediately. Ideally by cleaning. Signs should be only a very temporary measure.
- Thirdly, keep floors and traffic routes free from obstructions
- Fourthly, using correct footwear can help reduce slips
- Next, if possible, install slips resistant flooring. Prioritise steps.
- Furthermore, adequate lighting can help reduce slips
With regards to Manual Handling.
- Firstly, try to avoid the task first
- Secondly, supply mechanical aids
- Thirdly, provide specific Manual Handling training
- In addition, encourage staff to suggest improvements
Other Echo3 courses that are related to safely in warehouses and may benefit you staff include;
FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS – For all staff to learner how to reduce the chance of fires and what to do if a fire breaks out.
FIRE MARSHAL – How to execute the duties of a fire marshal to help keep colleagues and the business safe from fires.
FIRE EXTINGUISHER – How to tackle small fires.
COSHH – How to operate a safe workplace where hazardous substances are present.
MANUAL HANDLING – How to lift safely.
WORKING AT HEIGHT – How to work at heights safely.
TRANSPORTING DANGEROUS GOODS – How to transport dangerous goods (Hazardous Substances) safely.
LOLER – Understand how to comply with the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment regulations.
PUWER – Understand how to comply with the Provision and Use of Working Equipment regulations.
VEHICLE BANKSMAN – Safely navigate vehicles around the worksite.
If your staff require multiple courses you can order CREDIT.